Promotion Manager: Nlets

The purpose of Promotion Manager is to publish content additions and changes made on the back-end of Nlets’ website to the front end of Nlets’ website. There is a specialized feature available on Nlets’ Dashboard – Promotion Notifications (See the area boxed in red in the following example).


The right-arrow shaped icons contain the promotion notifications. “Alpha to Staging” is the environment in view in this example; the green “9” tells you that nine items are ready to publish.

By mousing-over the third (blank) arrow, you will see the the second environment, “Staging to Production:”


Since the “Staging to Production” environment has no number updates, it remains closed until it becomes active.

If you double-click “Promotion Manager” button (above), you are presented with the following module.


To promote your content from Alpha Staging to Production:

  1. On “Items Pending Production to Staging,” click in the box next to “Alpha” on the listing.  The boxes will become populated with green checkmarks.
  2. In the Environment Section, click the radio button next to “Staging to Production.”
  3. Finally, click the “Promote” button.