Installation Guide




A list of Third-Party Licenses can be found here.

  1. Provision a host with Windows Server 2008 R2 x64, Standard Edition, with the
    following minimum configuration:

    • 2GB RAM
    • C: – 60GB
    • D: – Optical Drive
    • E: – 60GB
  2. Install all Windows Updates other than ‘Bing Desktop’, and then restart Windows. Keep doing so until no
    further updates are available.
  3. Add a Firewall Rule allowing inbound traffic on TCP Port 80.
  4. SMTP Feature set up.
  5. Format the E: drive.
Software Prerequisites
  1. Install the Bitnami WAMP Stack

    • Uncheck all optional components
    • Install to E:\\Web
    • MySQL Root PW – passwd
    • MySQL Workbench installed
  2. 7Zip Installed
  3. MemCache and PHP Memcache module extracted
  4. Install MemCache daemon: – get 64-bit from
  5. memcached.exe -d install
  6. memcache -d start
  7. Install PHP memcache mod – copy .dll into e:\Web\PHP\ext
  8. Add PHP Memcache module to php.ini
  9. Uncomment APC module in php.ini
  10. Install Java Runtime Environment

C2MS Installation

  1. Run C2MS installers Web and Content
  2. Create C2MS user in MySQL; create DBs; grant permissions using CLI or MySQL Workbench
  3. Import databases using Workbench

  4. If your setup does not include SOLR, please skip steps 4, 5, and 6.

  5. Implement SOLR Collector config (.properties) files –
    needs SQL connection info
  6. Import SOLR Collector task
  7. Set up SOLR Server:

    1. Run the following commands in powershell or command prompt:
    2. (dialog box opens)
    3. Application: C:\windows\system32\java.exe
    4. Options:

      • Service Name: apache-solr

      • Note: The Options are placed on a single line in the nssm setup dialog box. Scroll to the right in order to view the options in their entirety.

  8. Bitnami WAMP Stack Configuration:

    Make changes to E:\Web\Apache2\conf\httpd.conf

    1. Edit Includes lines – comment out them all
    2. Add to end of file:
    3. Comment out DocumentRoot and Directory directive and stanza
    4. Make directory: E:/Web/Logs, make it writeable

    Note: The default configuration includes an SSL Apache configuration. If you do not have SSL Certificate (e.g. .crt files in place), Apache will fail to start.




A list of Third-Party Licenses can be found here.

  1. Provision a host with any relatively recent distribution of Linux, with the following minimum configuration:

    • 2GB RAM
    • / – 60GB
    • /web – 60GB
  2. Install all available updates using your distribution’s package manager (e.g. sudo yum upgrade).
Software Prerequisites
  • SMTP server, e.g. sendmail or postfix
  • Apache HTTP server
  • Oracle MySQL Database Server
  • PHP Apache module
  • Memcache daemon
  • Memcache PHP module
  • Java Runtime Environment (Only if running SOLR search)

C2MS Installation

  1. Extract C2MS tarball to e.g. /web/
  2. Create C2MS SQL database user in MySQL database
  3. Import provided databases into MySQL database
SOLR Installation (If your deployment does not include SOLR, ignore this section)
  1. Extract provided SOLR tarball to e.g. /web/c2ms-solr
  2. Follow directions in the INSTALL file in the extracted tarball
Apache HTTP Server

In /etc/httpd/conf.d, add a file “c2ms-site.conf‘ with the following line (adjusted to reflect the actual path to the Apache configuration file in the extracted tarball):

Alter /web/ to put accurate MySQL server connection credentials in the relevant environment variables designated with SetEnv directives.

Note: The default configuration may include an SSL Apache configuration. If you do not have SSL Certificate (e.g. .crt files in place), Apache may fail to start.